We are a virtual airline flying on FSAirlines and would love for you to join our crew today!

Virgin XL Airways is approved by the real Virgin Group to use the Virgin Trademark.

Welcome all, We promote a free flying experience! Next to no rules apart from the obvious don't crash or ruin aircraft.

Everyone *if they want* can have there own fleet where they can earn there own money to fly there own aircraft essentially running their own VA inside ours. You are in charge of maintenance and the admin side of your own aircraft.

PLEASE NOTE: If you leave/ are kicked or your account expires from the airline, your fleet will be disbanded and auctioned off to the remaining fleets in the airline after a period determined by staff. The remaining cash in your fleet will be split up evenly between the active fleets in the airline.

If a hub has not been used for 3 months, then it will be classed as ‘abandoned’ after a period determined by staff the hub will then be treated as if the member has left the airline and a standard auction of the fleet and split up of the cash between the active hubs.

Money earnt belongs to that fleet and that fleet only (unless you leave). The only time money is moved between two fleets is if a trade agreement of some sort has been agreed. Pilots can also add there own routes if they'd like to.

I invite anyone to join us! Please get in touch via the Discord Server or DM any Director or Manager on FSAirlines.

There are no training flights required but they are available if needs be for pilots without proof of previous VA experience.

P.S Every new member will receive a complimentary VW Thunderbunny :)

See you in the skies!